Haute Route Day 5

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HR Day5 (38) HR Day5 (39) last 300 meters HR Day5 (40) HR Day5 (41) almost there
HR Day5 (38) HR Day5 (39) last 300 meters HR Day5 (40) HR Day5 (41) almost there
HR Day5 (42) steep ladder HR Day5 (43) HR Day5 (44) HR Day5 (45) Matterhorn
HR Day5 (42) steep ladder HR Day5 (43) HR Day5 (44) HR Day5 (45) Matterhorn
HR Day5 (46) HR Day5 (47) HR Day5 (49) the others below HR Day5 (50) bathroom
HR Day5 (46) HR Day5 (47) HR Day5 (49) the others below HR Day5 (50) bathroom